Live Aerobic Bacteria with Guaranteed Quality
MUNOX® aerobic bacteria enzyme for wastewater treatment, drains and septic tanks is designed to get rid of stubborn commercial wastes and odors safely and naturally. Notably, it is recognized by the EPA’s Design for the Environment Program and has met the DfE’s rigorous challenge for biological formulations. Truly, MUNOX® has a guaranteed bacteria cell count of 378 billion CFU per gallon.
Treat Wastewater with a High Aerobic Bacteria Count that Works Rapidly
In addition, the quality control lab in which MUNOX® is made exceeds standards of quality in an unregulated industry. For these reasons, regular doses of Munox’s aerobic bacteria in a collection system rapidly digests fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and petroleum hydrocarbons.
Ultimately, by creating high populations of MUNOX’S® highly oxidative aerobic bacteria strains, it forces them to use their special powers that are extremely effective in breaking down industrial waste low in oxygen that native bacteria are not able to degrade. It is also a highly effective bacterial enzyme drain cleaner.
Breakdown FOG & HOG Waste
Moreover, Munox® is a aerobic microbial product which significantly reduces FOG, BOD/TSS, COD, ammonia, nitrate, phenolic compounds, terpene-based & chlorinated solvents and petroleum HOG in a variety of industrial wastewater applications.
Besides this natural aerobic bacteria product is safe and can be applied on beaches, and marshes to degrade fats, oils, grease, and petroleum hydrocarbon derivatives. MUNOX is also an aerobic bacterial enzyme for septic tanks, RV holding tanks and wastewater plants, and drains.
Extremely Effective Treating Waste in Low Oxygen
It is a blend of bacteria strains that are extremely effective in breaking down waste low in oxygen that native bacteria are not able to degrade. It rapidly digests fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and petroleum hydrocarbons. MUNOX® is a 100% all natural, live aerobic bacteria product that starts to work at once and continues to grow.
Control Odors Associated with Commercial Waste
MUNOX® will cut stubborn and commercial wastes and odors safely and biologically. MUNOX® creates free flowing drains and ends odors. It also reduces flies and fruit flies by getting rid of their habitat breeding grounds.
As part of your sewage solutions MUNOX® is cost effective to use. It rapidly digests Fats, Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Petroleum Hydrocarbons. MUNOX® is a 100% all natural, live aerobic bacteria product that starts to work at once and continues to grow.
MUNOX® will destroy stubborn and commercial wastes and odors safely and biologically. MUNOX® creates free flowing drains and ends odors. It also reduces flies by destroying their habitat’s breeding grounds. Use MUNOX® as part of your program.
For Use On:
- Aeration basins
- Apartment buildings
- Bioreactors
- Buildings and grounds
- Chemical processing
- Citrus juice/ dairy processing waste
- Collection systems and lift stations
- Daf tanks
- Enzyme for septic tank
- Feedlots
- Food processing
- Grease traps and oil water separator
- Industrial laundries
- Industrial manufacturing
- Kitchens
- Lagoons
- Lift stations
- Maintenance.
- Meat and poultry producers
- Military installations
- Municipalities
- Oil reclaimers and refineries
- Parks and rec
- Petroleum refineries
- Portable Waste Tanks
- Ponds
- Pulp & paper
- Sanitation department
- RV Holding Tanks
- Septic Tanks
- Street departments
- Textiles/dye/finishing
- Utilities
- Vehicle/truck wash
- Wastewater/reclaim/recycle systems
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